


Some two years ago, I received a very disturbing news of the mental sickness of my brother, after engaging in a row with my step mother, he just suddenly took off his cloth and ran naked, completely insane, for complete 18 months, his where about could not be found, until somebody spotted him living as a destitute in an uncompleted building, they were able to track him down, chained and brought back him back home

  During a recent revival program held in our church, the man of God Rev. Olajide called for those who want to trust God for a unique miracle I came out trusting God for the healing of my brother, all along I have not told my pastor about this problem and I did not tell him when I came out also, I was looking at the time before he was ministered to me after which I just went back quietly.

        As soon as I got home, I received one of the happiest phone calls in my life. I was told that my brother in chain, claim to have experienced suddenly a moving shadow coming out of his body and after the experience, he suddenly regained his consciousness after 2 whole year of insanity!! I asked what time the healing took place and I was told exactly 12:00 o’clock that was the exact time my pastor Rev. Olajide was praying for me! What a glorious God we have.

The second amazing testimony happened just at the following day after my brother’s recovery, he and 2 other people had over 2 years earlier applied for a student visa to the UK, they heard nothing ever since until after his recovery that they received a phone call from the UK embassy, asking only my brother to come for his UK visa! What a miracle working God we have. It is amazing how God answer the prayer of His faithful servant.  I give all glory to God who is the Author and Finisher of this testimony. Praise be to God

Silvia, Spain


I went through a surgical operation about 4 years ago, and after the operation, I noticed severe pain in my stomach and I went to the hospital and I was told that they couldn’t find anything on me, series of test was made, and so I have to continue living with severe pain with occasional bleeding. After several visit to different hospital, the last doctor discovered a NEEDLE in my intestine! (The doctors forgot the needle in my intestine during my operation) I was asked to come for the operation to remove it , I refused another operation and decided that I’ve had enough of operations and I want to trust God for my healing, I was asked to sign a form  taken full responsibility of my actions which I did. During the last convention, the man of God gave a word of knowledge which I claimed. Few days after the program I had a severe pain in my abdomen and I started bleeding seriously and suddenly I couldn’t feel my legs again, I felt like easing myself I crawled to the toilet and much blood was coming out and in the middle of the blood I felt something come out of me and when I looked down, it was the NEEDLE! I am told that it was medically impossible, but with my God, all things are possible!

Sister Faith

Tenerife, Spain


To God be the glory and honour, for all His wonderful works in my life.I came to know God in june 1995 or rather God firstly made Himself to me after which I backslided.Then june 1998, I traveled to Spain.When I arrived in Spain, I happened to be among the notorious one who was full of evil, living in all sorts of sins,selling and taking all sorts of drugs from Cocaine to Indian hemp and harshish,drinking and fornicating.But to God be the glory who has translated me from those power of darkness to the kingdom of His dear son (Colosians 2:18)

God's deliverance in my life started in April 2001, when I travelled to South America to purchase hard drug (Cocaine) of about 1 kilogram and at my arrival at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, I was arrested and sentenced to eight month imprisonment. It was within this eight months that the Lord did a great thing in my life.He intervened and renewed my life.After I was released from prison, I latter went back into selling of drugs until I came to a church called Living Spring Petecostal Church, Tenerife Spain,where the power of God arrested me and our Lord Jesus revived me, and I did surrender all.It all happened one faithful wednesday evening, when I was invited to the Living Spring Pentecostal Church's Bible study programe,and it was in that bible study class that I had a genuine encounter with Jesus through the entrance of His word by his servant, Pastor Nelson Olajide and his wife, Pastor Mary Olajide and since then , my life has never remain the same again.I thank God for these servants of God ,whom the Lord used to bring a living word to a dead man like me.

God realy intervened in my life, He fell on me by the power of His Holy Spirit and grounded every stronghold through which the devil held me captives.There was a divine exchange, Jesus took away my sins and gave me His free gift of salvation accompanied with peace,love joy and the seal the Holy Spirit accordng to His word in (Ephesians 1:13-14) Old things have passed away and behold all things have become new (2 Cornthians 5:17) 

Today, I am tremendously blessed and happily married to a wonderful and lovely wife, through the fervent prayer of the church and the man of God.

“Come unto Jesus all you that laboured and heavy ladden, and He will give you rest. (Mathew11:28) Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from death and you shall be saved.”...For with heart one believes unto righeusness and by mouth, confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9) Friends, remember whatever situation you may find yourselves today, Jesus loves you just as you are. If can save me, He can cleanse and save you also.

Chima, Spain


Gloria y honra a Dios por todo lo que ha hecho por mi. Yo conocí a Dios en junio 1995, o mejor la primera vez que conocí a Dios antes de ser desviados.

En junio 1998, me vino a España. Cuando llegue aquí, me estaba involucrado en todo tipo de pecados y atrocidades, tomando y vendiendo drogas, alcohol etc.

Gracias a Dios que me liberto del imperio de los tinieblas y me traslado al reino de su amado Hijo (Colosenses 2:18) En abril 2001, Dios empezó sus obras en mi vida, cuando viaje a Sudamérica para compra droga (Cocaína) de I Kg., en llegada al Aeropuerto de Schiphol en ámsterdam, yo fui detenido y sentenciado a 8 meses e cárcel. Durante esos meses, Dios hizo algo muy grande en mi vida. El intervenir y renovar mi vida. Cuando fui libertado de la cárcel yo volver a vende drogas hasta que encontré una Iglesia que se llama Fuente viva en Tenerife donde el poder de Dios me toco y yo rendí completamente.

Un miércoles por la noche, fui invitado al estudio bíblico en la Iglesia y fue aquella precisa noche que tuve un encuentro con el Señor Jesús Cristo, cuando el pastor Nelson Olajide y su esposa Mary Olajide ministraban la palabra. Después eso, nunca volví a ser lo que era antes y doy gracias a Dios por su siervos que ha sido usados para da una viva palabra a un hombre muerto como yo.

Dios realmente intervino en mi vida, el Espíritu de Dios entro en mi vida y destruí todo que me tenia cautivo. Hubo un divino cambio, Jesús llevo mis pecados y me dio su regalo de Salvación acompañado con paz, amor, alegría y es sello del Espíritu Santos de acuerdos con su palabra en Efesias 1 .13-14)

Hoy, soy bendecido y felizmente casado con una mujer maravillosa, a través de los oraciones de la Iglesia y de hombre de Dios.

“Venid a mi todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, y yo os haré descansar… (Mat.11:28) (…que si confesares con tu boca que Jesús es el señor y en tu corazón creer que Dios le levanto de los muertos, serás salvo. (Rumanos 10:9)

Amigos, recuerda cualquier que ser la situación, que os enfrenta hoy, Jesús te ama y si me salvo, El puede limpiar y salvaros también.

Chima, España


I woke up on this faithful morning, got dressed in preparation to go to my working place, suddenly, I felt dizzy with my mouth tight, fist clintched, I found myself down and motionless, a friend called an ambulance and that was all I could remember. I latter gained conciousness at the hospital and the doctors said I had stroke, at early thirties impossible, I was also given little or no chance of recovery the use of my hands, mouth and feet. I rejcted it in Jesus name. My Pastor was informed, he re assured me that God has promised me a divine healing and that I will walk out of the hospital by myself. He laid hand and prayed for me and the miracle took place. Today, contrary to doctor's statements, I am hundred per cent healed. I coul talk perfectly and I have gone back to work!!!Glory be to God.

Patience, Spain


Me desperto una mañana, me vesti y preparando para ir a trabajar.De repente me sentir marcado e inmobil, me cai al suelo y solo pude recordar a un amigo llamando la ambulancia.Luego, recupere la consciencia en el hospital, y los Medicos dijeron que tuve una apoplejia (derrame cerebral) con solo trenta años, imposible!. Me relatan mis minimas posibilidad de recuperarme. Yo no podia mover mis manos, no podia habla ni caminar.

Mi pastor (Pastor Nelson Olajide) vino a ver me, y el me aseguro que Dios me habia prometido una cura divina y que saldria del hospital caminando por mis propia pierna. El oro por mi y el milagro occurio.Hoy estoy cien por cien curada,puedo habla, perfectamente y he vuelto a trabajar!!! 
Gloria al Señor.

Patience, España


As many people that comes to Europe, with the hope of accomplishing their dreams, I also came full of ambition and aspirations which God eventually brought to pass.

God has been so good to me and my family, He has surprised us beyond our expectations! Praise be to God.

It all happened, when God brought me to the Living Spring Pentecostal Church, Tenerife, Spain. I had nothing, no documents and no job. My Pastors prays for me always, then I learned to pay my tithes and God started opening the doors for me. I got my documents (Resident and work permit) and God blesses me in abundance with a nice job, which I love so much, got married and blessed with a beautiful daughter all this are just the beginning of God's blessings in my life. God’s promise to us in the year 2006 is that it will be our year of Total Recovery according to the man of God, I got my driving licence, a nice car and we bought a nice house to the Glory of God!

What else can I ask? I just ask that He will save others through me and that the world may see that the love of Jesus is the only true love.

Daniella Williams


Como mucha gente que viene a Europa esperando poder realizar sus sueños. Yo también viene teniendo ese misma propósito y con Dios lo he logrado, Dios ha sido tan bueno para mi y mi familia, el nos ha sorprendido muy arriba de nuestra expectación.

Yo recuerdo cuando Dios me trajo a esta Iglesia, yo no tenía nada, no tenía papeles ni trabajo. Mis pastores siempre oraron por mi y luego yo aprendí a pagar mi diezmo y Dios empezó a abrir las puertas para mi. Yo tengo mis papeles en regla, luego, El me ha bendecido con un buen trabajo que me encanta hacer..Me he casado, tengo una hija preciosa, y Dios nos da todos lo que necesitamos para ser feliz.

La promesas de Dios para el año 2006 fue Año de recuperación total, según la palabra be Dios a nuestra pastor, y de verdad recuperamos todo, Dios nos saco del alquiler para hacernos propietarios de nuestra propia vivienda. Yo también saque mi permiso de conducir, y nos compramos un coche preciosa!

Que mas puedo pedir! Mi deseo es que Dios me use conducir otro a Cristo y que la gente ver que el único verdadero amor es de Jesús Cristo.

Daniella Williams



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